Find your family and make a difference.


Check out opportunities below.

This is what life in the family looks like.

Arriving early to help cook and set the table. Unloading the dishwasher without asking first. Being called aunt or uncle when you’re not related. These are just a few ways you know you’re no longer a guest — you’re family.

Our families are the people who know us intimately. At Fierce, serving together is one way we become no ordinary family. As we serve, we create deeper connections with God and each other. We discover our spiritual gifts, and we partner with God in blessing others.

Fierce Kids

I care about younger children discovering Jesus at their level.

Welcome Team

I care about guests feeling the welcoming smile of Jesus.

Production Team

I care about using creative audio, lighting, and sound to help people encounter God's love and message.

Connect Class

I care about people finding their bearings when they're new to church.


I care about middle schoolers encountering Jesus and His ways at a crucial age.

Fierce Teens

I care about high schoolers growing in their relationship with Jesus.


I care about helping the church administration run smoothly.

Building and Grounds

I care about creating an atmosphere where people can encounter the beauty of Jesus.

Practical Care

I care about people feeling the practical touch of Jesus in difficult times.

Not sure where you fit?

Fill out the form and check the last box, “I’m not sure. Help me decide!” We will reach out to you to figure out where your gifts might best fit!

Check out our process to get you equipped and serving

First Look

We’ll contact you and get you set up for a first look at the team you’re interested in.

Shadow a Rockstar

Shadow a volunteer to see what it would be like to serve on this team.


Learn all of the ins and outs of the serving culture at Fierce.

First Serve

You’re ready. Time to get out there and use your gifts to serve others!